L’aumento dei flussi migratori a livello globale negli ultimi anni ha riacceso il dibattito sulle loro cause profonde e sul ruolo svolto dalla cooperazione allo sviluppo. Con questo rapporto, ActionAid intende contribuire al superamento di alcune semplificazioni che caratterizzano il dibattito odierno sul rapporto tra migrazioni e sviluppo, mostrando come lo sviluppo agricolo e rurale e la sicurezza alimentare e nutrizionale in contesti urbani possano, nel medio e lungo termine, rispondere ad alcune delle cause profonde delle attuali migrazioni, creando alternative e migliorando i mezzi di sussistenza a disposizione delle persone
Migrations, food security and development cooperation policies.
The increase in global migration flows in recent years has rekindled the debate on their root causes and on the role played by development cooperation. With this report, ActionAid sets out to overcome certain simplifications that have characterized the debate on the relationship between migration and development, showing how agricultural and rural development and urban food and nutrition security can resolve some of the root causes of current migrations in the medium to long term, creating alternatives and improving the available means of subsistence.
Download the report– Climate change is having devastating impacts on communities’ lives, livelihoods and food security across South Asia and is increasingly contributing to migration. This study looks at climate change and its impacts on migration in South Asia, and particularly in Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Sri Lanka.